Sunday, August 25, 2013

the suitcase

she told her two boy grandchildren
when the time came
the little red suitcase in the corner of my room
is for my final trip -

my major adventure if you will --
and she chuckled.

what's in the suitcase grandma
they inquired

she replied, things for my trip
my blue dress
black pumps
silk underwear
white pearls
and a small box -
over 50 years old
with withered flowers

oh, she was 16 when she received them
picked right out of her front garden

he had come bounding up the front stairs
her handsome young beau
box in hand

here you go he said
and he held it out to her expectantly
she took the small white box tentatively

there was a twinkle in his blue eyes
a merry smile on his lips

she had visions of what - 
what could it be
and she thought dreamily

she opened the lid
and there it was
four white daisies on a puff of white cloud

he laughed out loud
this knight of hers.

she shook her head and
laughed too.

for such was young love
and taken for granted too.

now it is her time
and she wants the small white box buried
in her grasp

no one needs to know
just her two boy grandchildren

a momento of a love
full of mistakes, laughter and
of course adventure.

and no one needs to ever know
just her two boy grandchildren
what was in that small red suitcase
in the corner of her room.

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